with Jan Kress & Julia Keren Turbahn
Visual perfOrmance using wOrds and letters - fOr Deaf* and hearing audiences aged 6 and over.
The age-Open perfOrmance O takes everyOne aged 6 and Over intO the imaginative wOrld Of letters, wOrds and their meanings. Starting frOm the fOrm O, Jan Kress, Julia Keren Turbahn and Jan ROzman tOgether with the audience test the limits Of Our cOmmunicatiOn and shOw in a playful way hOw flexible Our language can be.
What are letters actually made Of? Cn w pt thm tgthr n nw wy? Suar iebad tmmOk saw aj nnew dnu? O! O? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
COncept, ChOreOgraphy, PerfOrmance: Jan Kress, Julia Keren Turbahn, Jan ROzman
Stage Design: Dan PikalO, Jan ROzman
Lighting Design: Annegret Schalke
COstume Design: Tanja Padan / Kiss The Future
SOund Design: Tim Schwerdter
AdditiOnal VOcals: Erik Leuthäuser
IllustratiOn, Graphic Design: Matija Medved
Outside Eye: Eyk Kauly,Rachell BO Clark
Theater EducatiOnal AccOmpanying POster: CharlOtte Bartesch, Julia Keren Turbahn
PrOductiOn Management: Alexander Schröder, Julia Keren Turbahn
Internship: Lynn Dambacher
A production by Julia Keren Turbahn in co-production with FELD Central for Young Performance. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion of the State of Berlin as part of the IMPACT funding. With support from SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Center Berlin.
Special thanks tO Caterina Macht, Neely de JOng, COra Tischmann, Ziv Frenkel, Rachell BO Clark, Eyk Kauly, JOhanna Benz, Ana Malalan and the entire FELD team, as well as tO the 3rd grade Of the Ernst AdOlf Eschke SchOOl and the RObben class at ROsa Parks Elementary SchOOl.